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How Do I Know If I Have a Termite Infestation in My Home?

How Do I Know If I Have a Termite Infestation in My Home?

Termites are often called “silent destroyers” for good reason. They can be eating away at the wooden structures of homes for years without any obvious signs to homeowners. In Melissa, TX, where termite infestations are not uncommon, being able to recognize the early signs of an infestation is crucial for preventing extensive damage. Here’s what you need to know to spot these unwelcome guests early.

Signs of a Termite Infestation

Discarded Wings

One of the first signs of a termite infestation that many homeowners notice is the presence of discarded wings. Termites swarm from their colony to mate and establish new colonies. After swarming, termites shed their wings, often leaving them near windowsills or doors.

Mud Tubes

Subterranean termites, common in Melissa, TX, build mud tubes to provide moisture while they travel between their colony and food source. These pencil-sized tubes are often found on exterior walls, crawl spaces, and other wooden parts of the house.

Wood Damage

Termites eat wood from the inside out, making damage difficult to detect. Over time, however, you may notice your floors or walls sounding more hollow when tapped, or you might discover wood that crumbles easily when probed with a screwdriver.


Drywood termites, another species found in the area, leave behind small piles of wood-colored droppings known as frass. Finding these near wooden structures can be a telltale sign of an infestation.

Tight Fitting Doors and Windows

The moisture termites produce when eating and tunneling through door and window frames can cause wood to warp, making doors and windows difficult to open.

What to Do If You Suspect Termites?

Don’t Panic

While termites can cause significant damage, it usually takes some time. Identifying an infestation early can save you a lot of trouble and money on repairs.

Avoid DIY Solutions

While there are many DIY termite treatments available, termite infestations are best left to professionals. Improper treatment can exacerbate the problem, allowing the infestation to spread.

Contact a Professional

A professional pest control company can perform a thorough inspection of your property. If termites are found, they can provide you with treatment options tailored to your situation, whether it be bait systems, chemical treatments, or a combination of methods.

Regular Inspections

Prevention is key with termites. Regular professional inspections can catch infestations before they become severe, saving you from costly repairs. Most experts recommend an annual inspection.

Recognizing the signs of a termite infestation early can be the difference between minor repairs and major renovations. By staying vigilant and seeking professional help when necessary, homeowners in Melissa, TX, can protect their homes from these silent destroyers. Remember, the best defense against termites is a good offense, including regular inspections and prompt action at the first sign of trouble. The pros at EcoArmor Pest Defense can help you determine if you have a termite infestation in your home. Reach out today to schedule an inspection and determine if your home needs treatment for termites.