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Understanding Tick Behavior And Biology: What McKinney Residents Need To Know

March 07, 2024 EcoArmor Pest Defense Ticks
Understanding Tick Behavior And Biology: What McKinney Residents Need To Know

Ticks are among the most annoying summertime pests. Like bed bugs or mosquitoes, their disturbing habit of feeding on warm-blooded creatures, including humans, is enough to make any homeowner shudder. The prospect of dealing with a tick problem is not pleasant, but it’s important that you have enough information to handle one if it does happen.

In this article, we’ll talk about the biology and behavior of these arachnids, as well as the risks they present to you, your family, and your pets. We’ll then look at some strategies you can implement to make yourself and your loved ones safer from these pests. Pest control in McKinney is made simple with the assistance of EcoArmor Pest Defense, the leading pest expert in the area.

Tick Biology And Behavior 

First, let’s talk about the way that ticks look and behave. While several species of ticks are throughout the United States, the most common types of ticks in McKinney are the deer tick and the lone star tick. 

The deer tick, also known as the blacklegged tick because of its dark legs, is smaller, measuring between 1/16 of an inch and 1/8 of an inch, depending on gender. They have orangish-brown bodies that are longer than they are wide.

Lone star ticks are named for the white or silver spot found on the backs of females. They are reddish-brown, but they become slate gray after a blood meal. They can be up to 1/4  inch long before feeding and nearly 1/2 inch long after feeding. Ticks go through several stages during their lives, and they need a blood meal between each stage. They often hide in trees or bushes, waiting to latch onto a target as it walks by. Once they’ve attached themselves, they will feed and then drop off.

Now that you’ve learned about the different kinds of ticks you might encounter in McKinney let’s talk about the harm these arachnids can cause.

The Threat Ticks Pose To Humans And Pets In McKinney

The biggest threat posed by ticks is that of disease. Ticks can be quite difficult to spot, so you may not know that you or a family member is carrying one right away. Ticks carry a number of harmful diseases, including Lyme disease, encephalitis, Heartland virus, tularemia, and anaplasmosis. Lyme disease, in particular, is known to cause long-lasting symptoms that may affect the victim for the rest of their life; this is why tick control is so important – it keeps you, your family, and your pets safe from these life-changing diseases.

Strategies You Can Use To Reduce Your Risk For Tick Bites 

Now that you know why keeping ticks under control is important, what can you do to minimize your risk of being bitten?

Here are a few tick prevention tips: 

  • Use a tick repellent that contains DEET or permethrin
  • Wear light-colored clothes with long pants and sleeves while in areas that might be infested
  • Inspect children and pets for ticks when they come into the home
  • Remove weeds, leaf litter, and other debris from your yard 

Following the advice above should help you keep yourself and your family protected from ticks. If you need help getting rid of ticks near your home, you can always contact EcoArmor Pest Defense.

Call EcoArmor When The Ticks Start Biting In McKinney

If you’re facing a tick infestation in McKinney and don’t know what to do, just call EcoArmor Pest Defense. We’re always here to help our customers with emergency and same-day services. Our family-owned company works with each customer individually to determine their unique needs and develop a treatment plan that works for them. We even offer a guarantee on all our services, including tick extermination. Contact EcoArmor today to request a free quote and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in McKinney.